Monday, April 27, 2009

Imagine Cup 09

Found an interesting programming/developer competition called Imagine Cup 09. Sounds like fun! Latest date for application is May 20.

From the competition regulations:

Your entry must be a fully functioning and implemented software application (i.e., visions for a software application or software applications that are not fully developed are not eligible) that includes all of the Required Elements listed below and at least one (1) of the Optional Requirements listed below.

Required Elements

  • Your entry must address a social cause connected to the Imagine Cup 2009 Theme: "Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems facing us today".
  • Any presentation or documentation that is a part of your entry must be in the English language. If a translator is needed, you will have the opportunity to provide one.
  • Implementation or consumption of a XML Web Service;
  • .NET Framework 2.0 or later;
  • Visual Studio family (Express, Standard, Professional, or Team System) for development

If you decide to compete give me a notice and I will post it on the blog!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Inspirational IT- girl event

On April 23 I attended an event targeting female IT-professionals in Sweden. Through some role-playing and an engaging workshop, led by career-coach Susanne Dahlérus, we were given the opportunity to reflect on our careers.

It was surprising to hear that most of us create mental boundaries which affects our actions in life. It’s therefore important to keep an open mind and have the courage to think and dream in new ways. We need to control our own “truth” and plan our career accordingly.

The aim of the exercises was to make a one year plan, and commit then and there the first step to making it a reality. I too made my own reflections, looking to my personal hopes and goals in my professional journey. Exactly what that goal entails will be covered in this blog in due time. In one year, on April 23 2010 I will look back and hopefully see that I have been proactive and taken every opportunity to growth and development.

An interview with the career-coach Susanne Dahlérus [swedish]

Welcome to TechGirl

As a devoted reader to IT related blogs from all around the world I realized one day that there were few female blogging colleagues. This inspired me to start one myself! So who is TechGirl then? TechGirl is an Application Developer and Project Manager with an interest of all aspects of the IT-world and closely related businesses , music, books, movies and much more. I live in the beautiful city of Stockholm, Sweden.

My goals with this blog are to:

• Be up to date with the latest news from the world of IT

• Share my experiences from my life as an IT professional as well as learn from others

• Network with IT professionals on a global level

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I love buying new techy gadgets and playing with them. Todays catch was a mix of business and pleasure.

  • External harddrive – Lacie 1TB (I still remember when I was excited about a 20GB HDD…)

  • Media player – Creative Zen X-Fi, 8GB (perfect for hours of daily commute with nothing do to)

  • Laptop case – It’s always good to protect your precious laptop

Friday, April 24, 2009

Certified Scrum Master - course

Scrum is an agile development method which I have been interested to learn more about for quite some time now. Today I signed up for a two day course in May which will earn me the title of "Certified Scrum Master" and more importantly the knowledge of how to apply it in my daily work. As a prerequisite to the course I need to read the book ”Agile Software Development with Scrum” by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle. Should be very interesting! [english] [english]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

IT-Girl, Inspiration for girls in the IT-business!

Timing, Focus, Power-babes, Inspiration, Courage and Energy. These keywords summarizes the IT-Girl event hosted by IDG [swedish] today.

50 energetic women working in the IT-business got together to listen to and be inspired by a career coach and network with each other.

Alltogether it was a very interesting and rewarding evening!
(More details will be published during the weekend)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TechGirl goes Live April 23

Much is happening behind the scenes and the final details are being hammered out as we speak. Stay tuned for April 23 when the TechGirl blog will come alive. Why April 23 you say? Well, you will just have to wait and see! But I can reveal that I will be covering an event that embodies everything I want TechGirl to be about.

So my friends only 8 days left. Follow me on Twitter if you can't wait that long! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Cool, just added Twitter to the blogg. Nice little feature.